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Buddha Land

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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land

Meditation on Loving-Kindness

Meditation on Loving-Kindness

Practice Tonglen – an ancient Buddhist practice to awaken compassion. Tonglen practice, also known as “taking and sending,” reverses our usual logic of avoiding suffering and seeking pleasure. We visualize taking in the pain of others with every in-breath and sending out whatever will benefit them on the out-breath. We

Metta Meditation

Metta Meditation

Inviting Positive “Seeds” into your life We each have many kinds of “seeds” lying deep in our consciousness. Those we water are the ones that sprout, come up into our awareness, and manifest outwardly. So in our own consciousness there is hell, and there is also paradise. We are capable

Buddhism meditation on unhealthy attachment

Buddhism meditation on unhealthy attachment

Attachment can manifest in trauma, self-destructive habits, or negative lifestyle practices. Buddhist non-attachment encourages peace of mind and self-preservation. Factoring the idea of non-attachment in alcohol or drugs with the awareness that meditation can bring peace is a powerful step in attaining positive change. Buddhist doctrines deal in detail with

Guided Meditation on Compassion

Guided Meditation on Compassion

First, it is important to start by arousing a deeply felt warmth, sensitivity, and compassion for all beings. To do so, begin by thinking about someone who has been very kind and loving to you; in most cases, this could be your own mother. Remember and reflect on her kindness—how



Mantra of the Bodhisattva of Compassion Since mantras are just made up of sounds, people in modern society may have difficulty understanding that reciting mantras brings genuine beneficial effects. Nevertheless, sounds can be very powerful, and everyday life experience illustrates this. For instance, if someone praises you with all kinds


How to run a meditation session?

Here are easy steps on how to start to meditate for beginners: Make sure the place you are mediating is neither too dark nor too bright. Bright rooms can distract you, and dark rooms can make you feel sleepy. Sitting in the same spot might help increase your ability to

What Meditation is and isn't

What Meditation is and isn’t

Meditation is an important part of your life. Meditation is just as important as sleeping and eating. Meditation is training for your mind much like going to the gym is training for your physique. 5-minute meditation a day helps you to be more aligned with yourself. “To become your own

The difference between Samatha and Vipassana Meditation

Samatha, often referred to as “peaceful abiding” or “tranquility,” serves as an introduction to Vipassana, focusing on stabilizing the mind through steady awareness. The choice between them depends on individual goals—calmness for Samatha and clear perception for Vipassana. By engaging in these practices, practitioners gain equanimity, acceptance, and a transformative understanding of reality.

Calm Abiding Meditation – the backbone of Buddhist meditation practice

The practice of calm abiding meditation serves as the cornerstone of Buddhist meditation techniques. Establishing a firm grounding in this fundamental practice is essential for achieving mental tranquility and clarity. Traditionally, practitioners dedicate months or even years to mastering calm abiding meditation, fully immersing themselves in its principles and experiencing

Mahamudra Meditation

Mahamudra is one of the most advanced teachings of the Buddha. Mahamudra is composed of two Sanskrit words, maha, and mudra. Maha is easy to translate: it means “great” or “big.” Mudra has many different meanings: sign, symbol, gesture, seal, and so on. Mahamudra can be translated as “great seal,”,

Medicine Buddha Mantra Meditation

Spiritual practice for curing mental and physical diseases If you truly love yourself and others, if you wish to bring happiness to yourself and others, enjoy life, and have success, this mantra meditation is for you. Who is Medicine Buddha? The Medicine Buddha, known as Bhaisajyaguru in Sanskrit, embodies the

monks feet buddhism touch the earth walking meditation

Walking Meditation: A Step-by-Step Guide

A walking meditation is designed to bring body and mind in sync while we’re out and about. And if you don’t like to sit and close the eyes to meditate, this is a great alternative that still trains the mind in awareness.

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