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Buddha Land

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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land

buddhism Nagarjuna deities buddha Vajrayana thangha


Nagarjuna (A.D. c. 150 – c. 250 CE) is regarded by many as the second greatest teacher in Buddhism. For some, Nagarjuna embodies the awaited second Buddha, fulfilling the prophesy of clarity foretold by the Buddha himself. His teachings, especially on emptiness, resonate deeply, shaping the essence of the Heart

Ananda – Buddha’s Closest Disciple

Buddha’s cousin, his closest disciple, and the one who remembered all the teachings of Buddha – who was Ananda? The Buddha was always accompanied by an attendant whose job it was to run messages for him, prepare his seat and to attend to his personal needs. For the first twenty

rainbow body buddhism buddha

Rainbow Body: Profound Meditation After Death

In early April 2023, Lama Zopa Rinpoche passed away in Nepal at the age of 76. However, his death marked the beginning of an extraordinary posthumous journey. On April 13th, Rinpoche entered a profound state of meditation known as “tukdam,” remaining in this state for more than a day after

Thich Nhat Hanh

Engaged Buddhism: Thich Nhat Hanh’s Vision of Mindfulness in Action

Engaged Buddhism, a movement pioneered by the renowned Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, offers a profound synthesis of Buddhist teachings with social activism and compassionate action. This article explores the essence of Engaged Buddhism and delves into the life and philosophy of its founder, Thich Nhat Hanh. Who was

buddhist teacher chagdud talku

Short Biography Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

Chagdud Rinpoche was born in Eastern Tibet in 1930, the son of Dawa Drolma, one of the re-nowned female lamas of that time. His mother was a famous delog, one who had died, traveled throughout the realms of samsara and the pure realms and returned to life. His father and stepfather

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