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Buddha Land

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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land


Emptiness is the central insight of Buddhism, and what makes it unique among religions. According to Buddhism, neither we, nor other beings, nor any phenomenon in the universe, has a permanent, separate, and independent core, soul, or identity. Another way to look at it is interdependence: all relative phenomena are

Buddhism meditation on unhealthy attachment

Buddhism meditation on unhealthy attachment

Attachment can manifest in trauma, self-destructive habits, or negative lifestyle practices. Buddhist non-attachment encourages peace of mind and self-preservation. Factoring the idea of non-attachment in alcohol or drugs with the awareness that meditation can bring peace is a powerful step in attaining positive change. Buddhist doctrines deal in detail with

Madhyamaka and Non-duality

Madhyamaka and Non-duality

Madhyamaka is “the school of the Middle Way.” Main texts: The Wisdom Sutras – forty texts collected under the title Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra. Founder of Madhyamaka school is Nagarjuna. Nagarjuna’s principal contribution to Buddhism was his systematization of the sutras’ teachings and focus on Emptiness (“Sunyata”). Emptiness is

Nature of reality

Nature of reality

By Nagarjuna Buddhists all agree that there is nothing in reality that is the basis of our sense of “I” and “mine.” They agree that it is our mistaken belief in the existence of something behind this sense of “I” and “mine” that brings about suffering. So they should all

The Roots of Suffering: Understanding the True Causes According to Buddhism

We all are experiencing suffering, and we all naturally desire happiness. To be free from suffering, we need to clearly understand the causes and conditions that give rise to suffering and ways to eliminate them. Until we understand that, no matter our wealth, intellect, the success we may have achieved,

buddhaland beautiful sunrise sunset dawn buddha sculpture symbol

Four Noble Truths: The Core Teaching of Buddhism

The Buddha’s first teaching after his enlightenment centered on the Four Noble Truths, which are the foundation of Buddhism. It is said that when the Buddha first realized enlightenment, he had no intention of teaching. But upon reflection—in the myths, he was asked to teach by gods—he decided to teach

Gratitude in daily life

Gratitude in daily life

Gratitude is one of the most powerful practices for living the dharma in daily life and the most easily cultivated, requiring the least sacrifice for what is gained in return. We should be grateful not just because we got what we want or we had good fortune, rather, we should

Selfishness in Buddhism

Selfishness in Buddhism

Understanding selflessness does not mean that we should foster a negative self-image. That’s still self-grasping. One extreme is narcissism, thinking that because of your looks or your skills or your worldly achievements or your learning or your race or your gender or your charisma or whatever, somehow you are better

What is compassion

What is compassion?

Before cultivating love and compassion, it is important to understand what these two terms refer to. In the Buddhist tradition, they are seen as two aspects of the same feeling of benevolence: love is the desire that all beings may be happy, and compassion is the wish that they may

How to nourish your soul with Buddhism

How to nourish your soul with Buddhism?

The Buddha spoke of four kinds of nutriments, the four kinds of foods that we consume every day. Our happiness and suffering depend very much on whether what we consume is wholesome or unwholesome. THE FIRST NUTRIMENT: EDIBLE FOOD Before eating, we can look at the food on the table

buddhism Nagarjuna deities buddha Vajrayana thangha


Nagarjuna (A.D. c. 150 – c. 250 CE) is regarded by many as the second greatest teacher in Buddhism. For some, Nagarjuna embodies the awaited second Buddha, fulfilling the prophesy of clarity foretold by the Buddha himself. His teachings, especially on emptiness, resonate deeply, shaping the essence of the Heart

What is Middle Way in Buddhism?

The school’s name is based on the idea from Buddhism that it follows a middle way, steering clear of extreme beliefs like eternalism (everything exists forever) and annihilationism (things have a core essence that disappears when they cease to exist). Nagarjuna: The Founder of The Middle Way School Nagarjuna, an

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